1 Earl Place, Kings Cross
The Audio install consists of a Dance floor focused EAW Avalon series supported with a time aligned room fill EAW commercial series. The Dj focused dance floor area is fitted with 4 x DC4 Top Cabinets partnered with 2 x DCS2 Sub Cabinets. The time aligned room fill speakers start with 6 x VR62 and are completed with 4 x VR21 speakers as we reached the outer peripherals of the venue. The end result was a precise crisp sounding room with a smooth audio transition throughout and greater volume then they had experienced before. This was coupled with the ability to still hold social conversation in the room with no excess noise seepage to the surrounding residence. The power house for the rig comes courtesy of 8 QSC amplifiers with EAW processing
The Dj console is regarded as the most user friendly console in Sydney . All at the controller's finger tips is a complete Pioneer rig with 3 x CDJ1000's, 2 x EFX1000 effectors, DJM1000 mixer and finished off with Stanton ST150 decks.
We completed our install with a huge mirror ball cluster of 450 mirror balls, illuminated with 4 Acme I-Move 250S.