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163 Oxford St, Darlinghurst

Mylk is the first of our Monster DJ consoles to be installed in Sydney. The Owners of Mylk wanted to create a DJ Box that made a statement as well as function as an integral part of the venue design by showing off the talents of the DJ's. Mylk based a considerable amount of emphases on "back to back" dj performances; hence a dual console was required. International dj’s (or following dj’s) are able to rig up their console to their specifications without interrupting the prior dj or effecting the flow of music from one dj to another.

The console is fully equipped with 4 x Turntables, 4 x Pioneer CDJ 1000’s, 2 x Pioneer EFX 1000 effectors and 2 interchangeable mixers. This gives Sydney dj’s as much scoop and control as they are likely to find just about anywhere in the world.

The main audio reinforcement comes from 3 x EAW Avalon DC5 top cabinets that are installed just above the dj’s heads, hence doing away with the need of individual both monitoring.

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